SightLine Applications
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SightLine Applications provides video processing hardware/software which facilitates the design of advanced gimballed camera systems for use in a range of applications, including ISR, infrastructure inspection and natural resource management.

Specialists in embedded video processing solutions

SightLine Applications was founded in 2007 and is the industry's leader in onboard video processing for advanced UAS camera systems. SightLine’s edge processing boards are integrated at the camera level to provide low-latency video processing on a variety of platforms. Compatible with a wide range of cameras, the compact hardware options enable elegant system architectures.

Video processing features support a range of surveillance (ISR), inspection, full motion video (FMV) encoding, and counter UAS applications, and software features include detection, tracking, AI classification, enhancement, recording, encoding, and much more. SightLine are committed to constantly improving video functions and capabilities and understands that experience matters, claiming over a 1.5 million flight hours in unmanned systems.

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Onboard video processors

This video processor was developed to give even the smallest camera systems the greatest possible capabilities. The 1500 OEM video processor is a very small, low-power, single-channel, onboard video processing solution with very low power consumption.

The 1750-OEM is a state-of-the-art onboard video processing solution, enhancing small camera systems with advanced capabilities. This compact, single-channel module boasts three digital video inputs, Qualcomm multi-core ARM processing, and multiple output options, making it an ideal choice for seamless integration and top-tier performance in various applications.

This video processor includes two video channels, each of them is offering a full suite of processing functions. This full suite includes full-frame-rate HD IP streaming with KLV data, stabilisation, and object tracking at 1080p/30.

The 4000 OEM is the most powerful of the hardware options. Smaller than the 3000 OEM, it supports full HD and 4K encoding. The 4000-OEM’s multiple digital video inputs include parallel digital compatibility with any 3000-OEM input adapter board, MIPI, and USB-3. Multiple video outputs include ethernet streaming H.264 and H.265, HDMI and HDSDI.

Drone tracking Coastline

A powerful suite of software functions that are key in a wide variety of real-time applications

Analyse functions for OEMs and library include telemetry data, object tracking, detection algorithms, custom AI classifier, precision landing, and more.

The Render functions (OEMs only) include stabilisation and roll correction, DPR/NUC, enhancement, KLV / metadata, and more.

Software is continuously improved with a dedicated team of embedded software engineers. Tailorable, powerful solutions to meet most use cases, give customers the flexibility to meet unique requirements.

Infrared Imaging Technology Centre

Within the Infrared Technology Centre, we offer an array of services to help create high quality, customised solutions.



Create a clear vision for challenging imaging solutions by ensuring you continually advance your infrared capabilities. Our knowledgeable team will simplify the process and will help you to determine the best solution for your application, at the optimum cost.

Advising on the best camera modules – from cores and lenses to detectors, blackbodies and processing boards, through to helping you plan the design, manufacture and any specialist testing.

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Our approach

When it comes to developing custom solutions for tomorrow's technologies, we trust our approach to deliver the best possible outcome.

Our engineers will skilfully guide you through each stage of your project, working with you to understand and identify a solution that meets your technical and commercial needs before designing and integrating your solution.



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Working together to create the right solution.



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From modified to fully customised components.



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Technological expertise across your application lifecycle.