IoT 747
IoT 747

Bringing you specialist ranges of fully integrated Bluetooth 'classic' and 'low energy' audio modules with high-end performance, long life and configurable options.

Pioneering Bluetooth technology

Introducing IOT747, an innovative technology company that specialises in developing cutting-edge solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. With a focus on wireless connectivity and smart devices, IOT747 strives to create products that enhance the way we interact with technology. The company's expertise lies in Bluetooth technology, where they excel in designing and manufacturing Bluetooth modules for various applications.

Leveraging the efficiency of BLE technology, their modules consume minimal power, making them ideal for battery-powered devices such as wireless headphones, earbuds, speakers, and more.

Known for its commitment to quality, IOT747 deliver reliable and high-performance solutions across a wide range of IoT devices. 

Low-Energy Bluetooth Audio Modules are not only transforming the audio landscape but also contributing to a more sustainable future. By prioritising energy efficiency, they are paving the way for a new era of wireless audio devices that combine exceptional performance, seamless connectivity, and long-lasting battery life.

Get in touch with our IoT and Wi-Fi experts to discuss your requirements.

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Dual Mode Bluetooth Audio Modules

Fully integrated dual-mode Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) modules that offer excellent performance, low power consumption and configurable options in a small form factor. Based on the latest generation Bluetooth 5.2 Qualcomm audio chips with a long life span.

IoT Technology Centre

Our IoT and Wireless Technology Centre will advance your ability to deliver innovative technology solutions for complex applications – from sensors to the cloud.

IoT Wireless Technology Centre


Creating custom solutions and navigating adding challenging connectivity to an application requires specialist expertise and capabilities. Our team of hardware design and software application engineers have extensive experience, ensuring we can bring your concept to life.

Covering proof of concept and feasibility studies for development, through to working prototype realisation and initial production management, our team delivers you complete project support.

Technical news and insights

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Our approach

When it comes to developing custom solutions for tomorrow's technologies, we trust our approach to deliver the best possible outcome.

Our engineers will skilfully guide you through each stage of your project, working with you to understand and identify a solution that meets your technical and commercial needs before designing and integrating your solution.



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Working together to create the right solution.



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From modified to fully customised components.



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Technological expertise across your application lifecycle.