Environmental IoT solutions - Overcoming temperature extremes to enable a new generation of smart HVAC systems

Providing a smart climate-control HVAC system - integrated with wireless capabilities, the solution needed to be compact, cost-effective and able to operate at extreme temperatures.

Several Italian customers had approached us with the same challenge – each was looking to provide their customers with a smart climate-control system for their residence.

However, to integrate wireless capabilities, the solution would need to be compact, cost-effective and operate at extreme temperatures.

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are fitted to thousands of homes across the country. Several manufacturers were looking to create smarter, connected HVAC systems, but all faced the same three challenges. Integrated into the heart of the HVAC system, the wireless solution would need to tolerate a hostile environment. From the freezing cold to scorching heat, it had to operate reliably for many years. The solution also needed to be compact, fitting into the existing HVAC system, which was installed into the tight confines of a building.

The cost was the final, crucial factor. Whilst a smart HVAC system could reduce installation times and save customers money on their energy bills, the system itself would cost more initially. If the additional cost was too great, customers would not choose a smart HVAC system.

Delivering a reliable, compact solution with dual-wireless capabilities

We identified a compact, cost-effective, dual-wireless module from our partner supplier Sierra Wireless that would integrate both Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi capabilities.

Bluetooth enabled engineers to connect to the HVAC system during installation, inspection and servicing, while residents could use Wi-Fi with their smartphone or tablet for direct control, or with a broadband router for remote access from anywhere in the world. We provided our customers with direct on-site technical support throughout the development process to reduce their time to market.

Currently, there are several products in testing, with the first products expected to launch imminently.

Turning great ideas into a customer success

Using our specialist technology portfolio and a pan-European team of technical experts, we have enabled thousands of designs to be realised, pushing many sectors and markets to new boundaries. The most important thing for us is to work with you to find the right solution for your requirements.

Get in touch

Please contact us to discuss your requirements. We ensure your solutions are ahead of the curve with market-leading technology and total design support. Our competence centres across Europe are home to leading specialists in their respective fields, and we look forward to helping you with your next challenge.

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IoT Technology Centre

Our IoT and Wireless Technology Centre will advance your ability to deliver innovative technology solutions for complex applications – from sensors to the cloud.

IoT Wireless Technology Centre


Creating custom solutions and navigating adding challenging connectivity to an application requires specialist expertise and capabilities. Our team of hardware design and software application engineers have extensive experience, ensuring we can bring your concept to life.

Covering proof of concept and feasibility studies for development, through to working prototype realisation and initial production management, our team delivers you complete project support.