Quality policy

We are committed to ensuring we work to the highest standards and operate a continually improving quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

We provide technically demanding, customised electronic and photonic products to industrial manufacturers. Our products come from a range of high-quality international suppliers and our Group´s own Design & Manufacturing division. Through our wealth of technology expertise we help customers to solve technical challenges and innovate by creating application specific product designs. Our management system complies with the requirements of ISO 9001 ‘Quality Management Systems’.

Acal BFi quality policy
ISO 9001 2015 certificate
Counterfeit product prevention
Cyber Essentials Plus certificate
Acal BFi Quality Information Pack
Acal BFi quality policy
ISO 9001 2015 certificate
Counterfeit product prevention
Acal BFi Germany AEO Zertifikat AEOF
Acal BFi quality policy
ISO 9001 2015 certificate
Counterfeit product prevention
Acal BFi Central Procurement UK Ltd AEO Certificate UK

Acal BFi UK and Acal BFi Central Procurement UK hold the prestigious accredited UK Authorised Economic Operator (C) status

What is AEO?

AEO (C) status is an internationally recognised mark of quality and indicates that our position in the international supply chain is secure and proves that our processes and controls are efficient and compliant in accordance with EU Community Customs Code (CCC) and HMRC requirements.

  • Within the Single Market and the Customs Union, AEO holding certification Companies have a clear advantage when exporting/importing, especially to/from the United States and the world’s largest economies, through Mutual Recognition Agreements.
  • AEO certification is an internationally recognised tool to keep cargo moving. The EU and UK is expected to recognise each other’s AEO schemes in a Post – BREXIT environment.
  • Whilst not mandatory, the EU is actively encouraging the majority of organisations who export outside of the EU to sign up to this worldwide initiative.

What are the requirements?

  • Close scrutiny on the whole supply chain of a company including all partners, departments and processes involved from order placement to payment.
  • Financial solvency and practical standards of competence and professional qualifications are reviewed in detail.

Benefits to us

  • Reduced administration.
  • Less physical and documents checks when importing/exporting
  • Pre-advanced warning by Customs when checks will apply
  • Priority status on Customs checks

Benefits to our customers

  • Demonstrates compliance with Best Practice, with appropriate procedures and controls in place.
  • Customs will trust the operator and perform less or no inspections on goods imported or exported by or via the AEO. This benefits the mover of the goods as goods are available more quickly.
  • Customs benefit as scarce inspection capacity can be targeted better at the cargo of unknown and potentially unsafe operators.

Why is it important to Acal BFi to have UK AEO status?

Being AEO accredited means import/export processes are in place and are well controlled. UK accreditation aligns with our German AEO accreditation.

JOSCAR certificate

Acal BFi UK are JOSCAR accredited

JOSCAR is an accreditation system for the aerospace, defence and security sectors. The system was established following an initiative led by ADS Group and includes a growing number of prime contractors as registered buyers.

The need to manage suppliers in increasingly complex supply chains and a growing national and global regulatory corporate governance and media-savvy environment is essential for short and long-term success.

JOSCAR was created by ADS to help suppliers demonstrate they are ‘fit for business’, not only in the defence, aerospace, security and space sectors but also other sectors they may be operating in.

It is a cross-sector collaborative solution which will reduce the time, cost, resources and duplication currently needed to provide information to major customers. Holding common supplier data in a central system allows the information to be accessed by all participating buying organisations.

What are the benefits of JOSCAR?

Benefits to buyers

  • Demonstrates to clients and other stakeholders that suppliers are ‘fit for business’
  • Immediate access to a single source of accurate, comprehensive and high-quality data
  • Reduced time and cost associated with pre-qualification, assurance and ongoing compliance
  • More effective identification and management of supply chain risks and brand reputation
  • Easier access to opportunities to SMEs
  • Facilitates increased supplier development and performance
  • Enhanced management information reporting on key supplier measures
  • Ability to add bespoke content and integrate with back office systems

Benefits to suppliers

  • Reduced costs and administrative burden associated with pre-qualification, assurance and ongoing compliance
  • Easier identification of business improvement opportunities that can lead to competitive advantage
  • Easier access to the markets represented by ADS, especially for SMEs
  • Availability of guidance and support throughout the accreditation process
  • Confidence in an equal, open and transparent process governed by ADS

Benefits to industry

Improved overall standard, quality and performance of suppliers to the industry
Encourages innovation and new suppliers, especially SMEs, to enter ADS markets
Demonstrates internationally the efficacy of UK suppliers and supply chains

Areas of compliance covered

  • Business continuity
  • Counterfeit products and materials
  • Insurance and third-party certification
  • Health and safety
  • Environmental and sustainability
  • IT security
  • Modern slavery
  • Anti-bribery and corruption
  • Product safety and quality
  • Supply chain