
Réduisez les coûts, améliorez l'efficacité et la fiabilité grâce à une approche modulaire des alimentations laser

Laser designers and manufacturers are increasingly turning to an off-the-shelf modular power supply approach as their power solution of choice.

Laser designers and manufacturers are increasingly turning to an off-the-shelf modular power supply approach as their power solution of choice. The unique user-configurability means that customers can effectively build their own custom power supply, in minutes, using standard building blocks. With extensive experience built up over the last 10 years, we have a detailed understanding of laser systems. This knowledge coupled with our breakthrough modular power supply products from Excelsys can add significant value to your next laser system design, improving efficiency, flexibility, and reliability.

Suitable for use as constant current sources for driving solid-state lasers and charging capacitor banks the UltiMod series from Excelsys is the ideal solution for laser power supplies.

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